Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My little doll

I have long wanted a small bjd but they were way out of my price range. Joanne of Desert Mountain Bears blogged about the plastic Hujoo baby dolls and hers turned out sooo cute. They are pretty inexpensive if you buy a naked one. It has no make up, hair or eyes. Joanne is always very helpful and shared how she applied the make up and made the wig. I have been doing a little at a time on my little doll and I'm afraid she needs a lot more work.  Her make up is too tenative....she needs more! The wig is too big. I followed the tutorial for making a wig but I don't think the fabric I used to make the wig cap was quite right.
So this is her first appearance and my first try. I'm going to start over(so glad this is possible). Her name is "Pippa" and she is counting on me to find her just might take me awhile.


Heather said...

That's an awesome first try!

Are you using a spray to coat her first? It will keep her from staining and get rid of that glossiness to her face!

And... welcome to the BJD world!!!
My BJDs are all here:

if you feel like checkin' em out. I've got a Fairyland RealPuki Popo just like Desertmountain Bear XD ... plus some others.

Joanne@ Desertmountainbear said...

I was smiling from ear to ear when I saw this post. Pippa is adorable. I love her wig, and her face. So glad you started to play with her.