Well, two of my little bears are on their way to new homes. That leaves four of the Sweet Shop bears looking for new homes. Today Candi K moseyed over to Bear Pile to wait to be adopted. Sundae and Buttercream are waiting in my etsy shop. I understand the show was very successful and I look forward to doing another online show with Daphne. I don't think I can do the Spring show though as I just signed up to do a live doll and bear show here in Florida.
I don't want to jinx it, but it looks like a move might be happening very soon. That will keep me busy for quite awhile.
The Teddies Worldwide Holiday show is just hours away! Very exciting..I can't wait to see all the wonderful creations. Hope you can join us....9 am New York time. www.teddiesworldwide.com
It's almost here...The Teddies Worldwide Online Holiday show! There are 75 artists from all over the world participating. I will have six bears all just 6 inches tall. Candi K is the one above. All have a "sweet" theme. You can get a sneak peek at other bear and critters that will be available at Teddiesworldwide.com
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ....
Well the elections are mostly over. Here in Florida, at this minute, the governor's race is still undecided. They might have to do a recount! Anyway, now I need your vote. Bonnie and her bunnie were nominated in the Taiwan Teddy Bear Association Awards. There is online voting til the 13th. There are 6 categories and Bonnie is in category B. You have to enter an email address to vote but that is just to keep people from voting more than once and you won't be put on a list. Click here to start voting. Wish me luck!!
Time to get fully geared up for the holidays. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, then Christmas is just around the corner. I have been playing my Christmas music for a couple of months now. I don't think I will ever tire of it. We are still not sure where will we be for Christmas, hopefully we'll know soon.
Posie was the other bear I finished up week before last. I had dyed the fur, put her body together and started on her head months ago. I didn't like the way her face was turning out so I put her away. There she was, hanging in a bag in the closet, between pieces of mohair. Well she just needed a little face work, a nose job, and a mouth lift. She is now available on Bear Pile or my etsy shop.