Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lil Ellies

Although our business had us on the road several times this week I did manage to get some sewing done. The house still needs vacuuming very badly. Bill works in his garden everyday so between him and the dogs I have almost as much sand as the beach.
These little elephants didn't all get done this week but after dying some fur the last one was completed and little flowers sewn by their ears. The "herd" is made from 4 different lengths of mohair. Two of fur that has been hand dyed. They all have glass google eyes but 2 have 11mm eyes and 2 have 10mm. Each measures 5 1/2 inches tall except the dusty pink one in the front. She only measure 5 inches and I'm not sure why. I was thinking of saving them for the Tampa show in February but I might list a couple on etsy and see what happens. I'll have time to make more before February...right?

1 comment:

vivian said...

HI Nancy.. they are so cute! How nice that your hubby minds the garden. I am not a gardener but I sure do appreciate them. I should try to get my hubby to have one! LOL! I think he would enjoy it..
well, Im rushing through blogs this morning trying to say hi to everyone.. but I really have to get ready for work. I always have all this time in the morning to get ready and end up spending most of it creating, cleaning and on the computer, then suddenly I have only minutes to get ready for work! lol!
have a great day!