Thursday, May 10, 2012


The idea for this creation started to take shape a couple of months ago. There is even a rough sketch somewhere.  If it turns out as I see it in my head it will be my preview critter for the Teddies Worldwide Friends of Teddy show in July. Having gathered several accessories, I am now committed to making it. Here is where I have run into trouble. The preliminary pattern has been drawn up and I have become very indecisive. Should I make the legs longer? the head bigger? Is the short mohair the right choice or should it be made with the slightly longer denser mohair? I think I am having trouble deciding because this critter is a little more involved than usual for me. Challenging ourselves is what artists should do....right? I'm not the only one that goes through I?
Boy! I think that is the most question marks I have every used in a post. Since I can't reveal the creation until the show preview I put a photo of a sunflower from our backyard. Sunflowers always brighten the day!

1 comment:

Joanne@ Desertmountainbear said...

I hate starting a brand new pattern for all the reasons you have questioned. I know sometimes we have to do it, but it is so much easier to let the evolve don't you think?