I finished this little cat before company came for Thanksgiving. Her name is Duchess and she is just 7" tall to the tip of her ears. I didn't have anything in mind except making a small cat when I cut her out. Her personality emerged all on it's own and I knew she was royalty. Now I am thinking of doing a series called Sophisticats. My mind it running with it, thinking of all the different colors of cats. Maybe a black and white one next. Bill thinks Duchess looks like a rat, but to me, she is definately a regal cat.
We had a nice visit from my neice and her family. She has two great kids, Nick(10) and Katie(8). I don't think we have had children in the house since we moved here. Katie loved my critter room. She even took a dip in our pool despite the fact the water was very cold. Now that Thanksgiving is over Christmas preparations are in full swing! I also have 2 shows shortly after the new year-time to get in gear.
My Christmas Carolers that were in Teddy Bear & Friends will be on Bid 4 Bears starting this afternoon. I will put a link on my sidebar after the auction starts.
We got a call early yesterday morning. Our rental property had been hit by a truck. It is a double wide trailer on an acre of land. It sits over 100 feet from the road on a straight quiet country road. Apparently the driver choaked on coffee and passed out with his foot on the gas. He traveled 300 feet and hit the corner of the trailer doing over 45 mph. It knocked the home over a foot off it's foundation. The inside looks like an earthquake hit. The driver walked away with a bump on his head and sore ribs. He had hunting dogs in the back in a cage and one dog tied in the back(he was not injured). One of the tenants was in the bathroom on the other end of the home and was knocked down by the impact. Now the home has been declared unsafe by the building inspector. Our tenants must remove all there belonging(that aren't damaged) and find somewhere else to live. It looks like the trailer will be a total loss. Now we have to deal with the insurance companies.
This week my pretty pink Snow Fairy is on Bid 4 Bears. The really neat retro looking pink snowflake print was the inspiration for her. I'm sooo tickled with the way she turned out I don't think I'll mind if she doesn't sell. Her crown and wand are made with tinsel pipe cleaners. I think the "aluminum look" adds to the retro feel. The snowflake on the end of her wand came from the scrapbooking aisle at Target. It is the first time I have used "glitz" in needle felting. It wasn't easy-it's like working with very fine tinsel but I'm pleased with the iridescent effect of her nose.This mohair is one of my favorites-I wish it came in more colors. I have dyed the white several colors and have always been pleased with the results. Now it's back to sewing!
Christy has been waiting patiently for Santa. She is so sleepy but is hoping to see him when he brings the presents. She is wearing a pretty red flannel nightgown and holding her well loved Teddy. She is on Bid 4 Bears this week.
I remember not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve and sneaking down the stairs to see if Santa had been to my house yet. I have wonderful memories of childhood Christmas's. Today I looked at all the Christmas stuff in the stores and felt the spirit building. I love this time of year. And yes, I already have the Christmas music playing!
The third annual Woof It Up Responsible Dog Ownership Day, this Sunday, November 9th from 10:00 - 3:00 at Cocoa Riverfront Park in Cocoa, FL. Gabrielle is going to be raffled off by Lorrie from What's Up Dox Dachshund Shoppe. The raffle proceeds will go to Florida Dachshund Rescue.
In truth, one of my reasons for donated her is it gives me an excuse to go to the event. Bill is not crazy about these kind of events but now we have to go. He really never complains about being dragged to Teddy Bear shows, craft show and community events.
Anyhow, if your in the area I'm sure it will be a fun day.
These two are Santa's littlest helpers. They are already busy decorating their little tree. What would Santa do without them?
Last year they helped at my house. They could help at yours this year. Merry and Chris are available in my etsy shop.
I'm getting there. Most of my Christmas critters were finished by September. "Here we come a caroling" appears in the latest issue of Teddy Bear & Friends. There is a feature depicting Christmas Carols represented by artist bears. The dog appeared in the magazine without his top hat because the editor didn't see it in the box when they were sent to the magazine for photos. I kinda think his hat is the finishing touch. The set will be for sale on my website later today.
Patti is minty sweet. Look for her on Bid 4 Bears this afternoon. She is made with sparse mohair that has been dyed with cherry Kool aid. The mint print fabric I used to make her dress is actually what inspired me.Are you in the Christmas spirit yet? I'm getting there!