Graduation time again. It really doesn't seem all that long ago(38 yrs!!!) I was graduating from high school. My graduation ceremony was held at Cole Field House on the University of Maryland campus. This year one of my nieces and my granddaughter are graduating from high school. I am excited for them, they have so much to look forward to. The world awaits and even though economic times are tough right now, I see bright futures for them.
My granddaughter, Mandy, will be attending James Madison University in the fall. I made her this little bears in JMU's colors. His name is Jaymu and I hope he will keep her company in the fall.
Just a little more than 2 weeks to the Black & White Ball ate Teddy Bears and Critters Australasia. I'm excited to see just how the online show will play out. It is a masked ball, meaning the artist's name will not be revealed until the bear or critter is adopted. This is so that, hopefully, the purchase is based on attraction to the creation and not a particular artist. The winners of the TACDA awards will also be announced. TACDA= The Australasian Creative Design Awards
This year entries for the awards were limited to Aussie and Kiwi artists. I can't wait to see the entries. Even better, next year, the awards will be open to international entries. I already have ideas for my entry dancing around in my head.
The ball starts June 1 and you can check it out here. Don't miss it!!
Even when you know their time is near, it is still very, very sad when they go. I gave Goober to my brother's family almost 16 years ago. My nephew, Billy, was not quite 2. I was still breeding Dachshunds then and I had named all the pups in the litter after chocolate candy because they were all chocolate & tan or chocolate dapple. I can only remember one other name and that was "Dudley" for milk duds. Goober, the chocolate covered peanut, became their beloved family pet. Even after I moved to another state and many months went by without seeing him, Goober always remembered me. I considered him my four legged nephew. He loved stuffed toys and got a new one every Christmas. The stuffing was usually all over the place before we ate Christmas dinner. His favorite spot was on the sofa with my brother. He would perch on the arm and they would nap together. He had a bad habit of whining, especially when we were eating. I affectionately called him "weiner whiner".
The last few months, he had lost weight, his teeth were bad, his sight and hearing were going. My brother's family were unexpectedly adopted by another dog, a year ago Christmas, so it is not completely quiet. Still, Goober will be missed by all of us.
Well, she didn't turn out exactly as I envisioned her but I am pleased with her anyway. The fur dyed the prettiest shade of blue and matched perfectly to the fabric I was going to make her outfit out of. But it matched too well and I felt her outfit should contrast a little more. The brown fabric with the blue flowers was in my fabric stash and turned out to be the answer. Her brown hair ribbon with the flowers was in my stash too. Her ears gave me a little problem..I had to dye three sets before I got the right shade of brown. Misty Lou will be available on my web site later this week.
I have spent HOURS over the last couple of weeks reducing my Amazon book inventory. There is actually some room in the garage for storage now...maybe even the car soon. Postage rates go up next week and it is no longer profitable to sell books, as least for me.
As soon as I finish with the book inventory I will spend some time catching up on listing. I have bears and critters listed in 3 places besides my web site. It is almost a full time job just keeping up with them.
Then I will decide what to work on next. I have several ideas written down in my journal just need to get the time.